Online commentary submission guidelines | Manufacturing Asia

Online commentary submission guidelines

What are we looking for?

1. Length. Your column does not need to be long—600 words are enough, 1,000 are ideal. Keep it brief.

2. SEO. Your column should mention "Asian (or any Asian country) manufacturing" either in the headline or first or second sentences and at least cover what is interesting in the industry.

3. Editorial requirements. Your column must not mention your company name or products. Remember, this is not a sales pitch, it is a way to increase your profile by letting others know that you have unique knowledge that you want to share with the community. It is about being a thought leader, not a sales cheerleader. We retain the right to modify articles based on Manufacturing Asia's editorial requirements.

4. Topics. Play around the 10 sections to know where your ideas fall in. We do not publish articles that are too general or have nothing to do with manufacturing in Asia. Steer clear of topics about politics, religion, race, sexual preferences and/or anything that promotes promiscuity. Manufacturing Asia is a business news website, not a personal blog.

We want columns that are interesting and genuinely new and informative. We are trying to avoid self-serving pieces and those that state known facts. We want commentary on business issues of interest, backed by specific examples.

5. Originality. It must be original. Never been published anywhere. The contribution is original for Manufacturing Asia only and shall not be published anywhere even after the original publication in Manufacturing Asia.

6. Tone and content. Make sure your articles are not written in such a way that would incite disharmony.

7. Marketing. You should take part in the marketing of your article. Make sure you do your part by linking it through different social media platforms.

NOTE: We do not allow the engagement of third-party click marketing companies to boost views of any article.

All authors/PR agents attest to the truthfulness of the information in the author's contributor bio box. We are free to take down any article that we think violated the guidelines. This shall cover any future instance that shall go against this website's editorial credibility and policies. We are free to ban any violating author from submitting again in the future and/or erase all articles connected to the violating author within the website.

What will you get out of it?

1. Avenue to reach the business community. A lot of influential people read our website and will read your column.

2. Improve your professional standing. Link your article to LinkedIn and your peers and customers will see it.

3. Hey, maybe a little fun letting off some steam or getting noticed for what you think.

4. Monetary compensation? This is free airing of your thoughts. We do not believe in buying your thoughts from you. The article is completely attributed to you.

What are the next steps?

Let us know if you are interested and then we can get you started. There is no fixed deadline. Send your ideas over and an editor will get in touch with you.

The waiting time. It takes time to read through all the articles, so we request patience in getting feedback from us.

Please make sure you have read the terms and conditions before submitting. We assume you accepted the terms when you submit online.

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